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MOLD - General Information


The facts:

  • There are at least 10,000 common types of mold. Only a relative few species are believed (at the present time) to cause reactions in humans.


  • Mold spores are everywhere and need a water source, a food source (which can be almost anything), oxygen, lack of sunlight and a surface on which to grow.


  • Elimination of the water (moisture) source is usually the easiest way to get rid of mold.


  • Some people have, or can develop, allergies to certain types of mold with various symptoms “such as nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, wheezing, skin irritation” or more serious reactions. Asthma symptoms and/or reactions can result for some people when exposed to certain mold spores. According to most knowledgeable sources, the possibility of having a combination of those certain molds in close proximity with susceptible or sensitive people is usually rare.



The indoor molds are almost always activated by excess moisture and the source needs to be eliminated. Normal sources could be a plumbing leak, roof leak, condensation, some other water source or a combination thereof.  Whatever the source, it should be identified and fixed.



Black mold and green algae are the most common types found in the Gulf Coast area.  The black mold can grow on firewood, logs, tree trunks, etc.  Algae can be present on many surfaces outside the home and can be removed with common cleaning products or pressure washing.  Algae discoloration on roofs is not as easily cleaned.  Several types of algae resistant roofing products have been developed to inhibit algae growth for extended periods of time.




The above paraphrased (or quoted where indicated) information was taken from the U.S. Government EPA and CDC websites concerning mold. You will find a wealth of information there as well as web links to other informational resources. We are not “experts” on mold and are providing what we believe is accurate information from reliable resources. However, we cannot guarantee (nor be held liable) that this information is true or up to date, nor that the resources upon which we relied are knowledgeable or accurate.


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